Ask Yourself

(a huge, gigantic and massive thanks to Parents online magazine for these great open- ended questions!)

Here’s an idea! 

Ask yourself these questions so that you can learn more about yourself!

(You can interview someone else with these questions too)

If your stuffed animals could talk, what would they say?

What does it feel like when someone you love hugs you? 

If you drew everything that came into your head, what would you be drawing right now?

What do you think you're going to dream about tonight?

What sounds do you like best and why?

If you were going to spend the whole day outside, what activities would you do?

What are the best ways to make a fort?

How do you think animals communicate?

Describe a great day: What are you doing that makes it special?

What animal would make a great driver?

Do you like it when other people share with you? Why?

Who is your favorite storybook character?

What one thing do you do now that you usually need an adult for but would like to try to do all by yourself?

If you had to give everyone in the family new names, what would they be?

What makes you happy?

If you could do anything right now, (this very minute),   what would you do?

What movie, TV, or book character makes you laugh the most?

If you opened a store, what would you sell?

What do you enjoy giving to people?

Did you smile or laugh extra today? What did you laugh about?

Pretend you're a chef and tell me about your restaurant: What foods do you serve?

Where would you like to travel and why? How would you get there?

If you could ask a wild animal any question, what would you ask?

What are some of the best things about nature?

If you were a photographer for a day, what would you take pictures of?

What bugs you the most?

Do you have any inventions in your brain?

If you could learn any language, what would it be?

If you could make up a new holiday, what would it be?

What is the funniest thing you've ever eaten?

What would you do if you made the rules at home?

What makes someone smart?

What was your favorite thing about today?

What do you like daydreaming about?

What is something about you that you think I might not know?

What have your friends been up to?

What's a memory that makes you happy?

What do you look forward to when you wake up?

Let's say you're at the beach: What's the first thing you do?

What makes you feel brave?/ What makes you feel loved?

How do you show people you care?

If you could give $100 to a charity, what charity would you choose?

How would you design a treehouse?

If you wrote a book, what would it be about?

If you designed clothes, what would they look like?

How do you best like helping others?

What makes you feel thankful?/ What makes you feel energized?

If you were in a play, what would your character be like?

What makes your friends so awesome?/ What makes you so awesome?

If you were a teacher and could teach your students anything at all, what would you teach them?

If a friend asked you to keep a secret that you don't feel comfortable keeping, what would you do?

What is the best gift you have ever given?

What is the hardest thing about being a kid?

What was a time that you felt lucky or blessed?

When do you think a person becomes an adult?

What five words do you think describe you most?


I’d love to read your answers to these questions!

Send me a note, so I can learn a bit about you! 

Getting to know YOU

You can do hard things! Yes you can. Absolutely, no doubt you can.

You’ve done hard things before. So there’s no reason to think that you can’t do some hard things again.

Doing hard things makes you realize that you are able, smart and competent. 

Doing hard things builds confidence, new skills and helps you develop a never give up attitude! 

Do you know what it takes to do hard things?

Sure you do.

It takes patience.

And perseverance.

And hope.

And some imagination.

And lots of determination.

And some belief in yourself.

You have all these qualities within you. 

They’re all in there! 

Learn about these words so you can feel confident knowing how you’ll accomplish doing hard things when that day comes along again.

What things have you done that have been especially hard for you?