Iggy interviews a Natural Health Practitioner

Derek is a Natural Health practitioner.

(As a Natural Health Practitioner he can conduct a health assessment focused on nutrition, vital hygiene, and environment….)


He is also a talented musician.

I was so happy to chat with him today and learn more about his life…

Hi Derek! It’s great to see you! Thanks for agreeing to be interviewed today.

Where were you born? 

I was born in Toronto on August 1, 1957, and the doctor who aided in my birth was the son of Lucy Maud Montgomery!

Can you describe the place where you’re living now? 

In a word, paradise. I spend my days surrounded by nature in a secluded rural area on a private lake in a wooden cabin.

What do you like best about where you live? 

One of the benefits from living in nature for a period of time is that you realize that we are all connected and we are all one. Therefore the answer to that is, everything.

Tell me more about the band that you’re in.

Regretfully, the band is not playing together at the moment as we lost our lead guitar player to cancer. I have returned to a solo career and I’m looking forward to playing a few folk festivals next summer.

Do you have any pets? 

We had a beautiful little dog for 16 years named Jesse. He passed away last spring, and we have a small memorial for him in the backyard by the lake.

Have you traveled outside of Canada? 

I have traveled most of the world, either on my own, or with friends as a youth, or with the United Nations development program, where I worked for a number of years primarily in Latin America. We also lived in England for a number of years where all three of our children were born.

Did you have a nickname growing up? 

Not many that I would like to share. I did enjoy Dirk for a while.

Can you whistle? 

I can and I do. I enjoy whistling, and have used it in my musical performances.

There is a funny story in our family about me whistling. Apparently, as a child, I would whistle whenever I was up to no good. I thought my mother was psychic when she would call from the other room and say whatever you’re doing I know you’re up to no good. 

Why did you decide to become a Natural Health practitioner? 

I wanted to be helpful to people and to assist in their healing. Neither my personality nor intellect was well suited to becoming a doctor, but I love natural medicine. If we do have a purpose in this life, I feel that helping people heal is mine.

Do you meditate and/or practice yoga? 

My wife, Andrea and I meditate every day at least once and try to do another in the afternoon. It has become an essential part of our daily lives and we really notice when we don’t do it.

Do you have a garden? 

I have two enormous gardens, one with all of our fresh vegetables and greens, and the other full of flowers and shrubs around the house. I also built a wonderful greenhouse which can be entered from the living room. It has been a game changer.

What’s your favorite kind of desert? 

At the moment I would have to say date squares. Or any number of desserts made with oatmeal such as apple or blueberry crumble, even good old fashioned oatmeal cookies.

If I could grant you one wish, what would it be? 

I would wish to give away my wish to someone who needed it much more than I. There is really nothing that I am wanting for.

What advice would you give a kid if they wanted to be a Natural Health practitioner when they grow up? 

That’s easy, meditate.

Thanks so much for spending this time with me Derek.

I really appreciate it. 




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